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How to Excel in Med Surg Nursing: Tips for New Nurses

Reviewed by Megan E. Andrews, MSN, APRN, ANP-C on July 24, 2024

Tips for New Nurses

Are you entering the world of medical-surgical (med surg) nursing? Med surg nursing is considered the backbone of hospital nursing, providing care for a wide variety of patients with diverse medical conditions. 

A role in med surg requires a broad set of skills, strong critical-thinking ability, and effective time management. Here we will provide practical advice to help you thrive in your new med surg role.  

4 must-have skills to succeed in med surg nursing 

As a nurse in med surg, you’ll care for patients who are acutely ill or recovering from surgery. Your patients may have multiple comorbidities, making the work complex and challenging. Here are four skills you’ll need to be proficient in: 

  1. Comprehensive assessments: Use a systematic approach to ensure that no aspect of the patient’s condition is overlooked. Perform a detailed, head-to-toe assessment at the beginning of each shift. This includes checking vital signs, reviewing lab results, and assessing all body systems. Depending on the patient’s condition, you may need to perform focused assessments on specific body systems. For instance, if your patient has respiratory issues, focus on lung sounds and oxygen saturation. You’ll need to regularly reassess your patients throughout your shift. Detecting any changes in their condition promptly helps in making timely interventions.   
  2. Effective communication: Take the time to explain procedures and answer any questions patients or family members may have. This helps to build trust and reduce anxiety.  Collaborate with your colleagues, including physicians, other nurses, and ancillary staff. Use tools like SBAR (Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation) to ensure concise, effective communication. Accurately document all patient interactions, assessments, interventions, and responses. This provides a clear record of the patient’s progress, and supports continuity of care.  
  3. Safe, accurate medication administration: Always adhere to the five rights of medication administration: the right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right route, and the right time. Double check dosages of high-risk medications, such as insulin or anticoagulants, with a colleague.  
  4. Patient education and discharge planning: In med surg, you’ll need to ensure that patients understand their care plans and can manage their health after leaving the hospital. Use the teach-back method to confirm that patients understand their discharge instructions. Ask patients to repeat the information in their own words. If you discover any misunderstanding, you can explain again using a different approach and reassess. 

Educate patients about their medications, including the purpose, potential side effects, and the importance of adherence. Ensure that patients know about follow-up appointments and any necessary lifestyle changes.  

Provide written instructions for clarity. You can also connect patients with resources, such as home health services or support groups, to help them transition from hospital to home. 

Time management tips for roles in med surg 

The workload in med surg is sometimes overwhelming. Here are some tips to prioritize tasks in your daily clinical practice:  

  • Develop a rough schedule for your shift, but be flexible enough to adapt to unexpected events. Block out time for rounds, assessments, and documentation.  
  • Identify the most critical tasks that need immediate attention. It may be administering medications, addressing urgent patient needs, or performing necessary procedures. 
  • When possible, perform multiple tasks during a single patient interaction to save time. For example, you can administer medications, perform assessments, and provide education during one interaction.  
  • Delegating tasks to other healthcare team members (such as nursing assistants or LPNs) can help you manage the workload. To do this effectively, you’ll need to understand the skills and scope of practice of team members. Provide clear instructions, and follow up to verify that tasks are completed correctly. 
  • Learn to manage interruptions without compromising patient care. Politely set boundaries when you’re focused on critical tasks, explaining that you’ll attend to other needs as soon as possible.  
  • Use time-saving technology. Pagers or communication apps can manage non-urgent communications more efficiently. 
  • Keep your workspace organized. Minimize time spent searching for supplies or documentation. Organization is key to managing the fast-paced environment of med surg. Keep your workspace tidy, use checklists to track tasks, and prioritize your to-do list. 

Excel in med surg with continuous learning 

Med surg nursing is the largest nursing specialty in the U.S., and the field is constantly evolving. Staying up to date with the latest practices, technology and evidence-based care is crucial. 

Participate in continuing education courses, workshops, and seminars in the med surg field. Consider obtaining certifications relevant to med surg, such as the Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse (CMSRN) credential. This enhances your knowledge — and demonstrates your commitment to the profession. 

As a nurse in med surg, you’ll want to foster a strong professional network. Engaging with experienced colleagues keeps you updated on best practices and also helps you navigate the stresses of the job.  

Subscribe to nursing journals, and participate in online forums and discussion groups. Consider joining professional organizations such as the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses.  

Make a meaningful impact in your med surg role 

Starting a career in med surg is a significant milestone. As a med surg nurse, you’ll face significant workload and challenges. Empathy, compassion, and a patient-centered approach leads to better outcomes and personal satisfaction. 

By mastering patient care, prioritizing tasks, and continuously striving for excellence, new med surg nurses can certainly thrive in the role. The key is to embrace the journey with a commitment to learning, personal growth, and professional development. If you do so, you’ll find the rewards of med surg nursing far outweigh its challenges. 

Medical Surgical Nursing Jobs

View our available med surg nursing job openings. We update our nurse job listings frequently, so check back regularly for new jobs and the latest position openings. 

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