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Atelectasis Nursing Guide

The content was created by Relias staff writer Tiffany Fields, RN, BSN, MSN, DNP, CRNP.

Atelectasis Overview

This course is intended as a Quick Reference for Atelectasis and will provide an overview and nursing considerations utilizing the nursing process. 

Etiology and Epidemiology 

Atelectasis Definition

Atelectasis is condition where there is a complete or partial collapse of the lung field when the alveoli become deflated within the lung. It can fill with alveolar fluid or air can compress the lung, causing the lung to collapse (Ferri, 2020). 

While atelectasis is the most common respiratory complication following a surgery, it also can become a complication as a result of other respiratory problems, such as: 

  • Cystic fibrosis 
  • Chest injuries 
  • Fluid within the lung 
  • Lung tumors 
  • Respiratory weakness 

This condition can also occur by inhaling a foreign object (Ferri, 2020). 

Atelectasis can cause difficulty breathing, especially when there are underlying conditions such as lung disease. The treatment for this condition will depend on the severity of the condition and the cause. Therefore, seeking early medical treatment will determine proper diagnosing and prompt treatment (Ferri, 2020). 

Common causes of atelectasis include: 

  • Blocked airway 
  • Foreign body 
  • Injury 
  • Mucus plug 
  • Pleural effusion 
  • Pneumonia 
  • Pneumothorax 
  • Scarring of lung tissue 
  • Tumor 

Risk factors for atelectasis may include: 

  • Bedrest 
  • Chest surgery 
  • Lung disease 
  • Medications 
  • Old age 
  • Recent abdominal surgery 
  • Recent general anesthesia 
  • Smoking 
  • Weak breathing muscle 

Complications that may results from atelectasis include: 

  • Low blood oxygen 
  • Pneumonia 
  • Respiratory failure 

Atelectasis ICD-10 Code: J98.11

Atelectasis Diagnosis 

  • Chest X-ray 
  • CT-scan 
  • Oximetry 
  • Ultrasound of thorax 
  • Bronchoscopy 

Atelectasis Treatment & Management 

  • Breathing treatment 
  • Chest physiotherapy 
  • Surgery 

Atelectasis Nursing Care Plan

Nursing Considerations 

Use the nursing process to develop a plan of care for individuals. The nursing assessment (with common findings listed), diagnosis, interventions, expected outcomes, and education for individuals with atelectasis are listed below. 


  • Cough 
  • Cyanosis 
  • Labs 
  • Lung sounds 
  • Pain 
  • Pulse 
  • Respiratory rate 
  • Secretions 
  • Vital signs 

Nursing Diagnosis/Risk For 

  • Activity intolerance 
  • Anxiety 
  • Impaired gas exchange 
  • Ineffective airway clearance 
  • Ineffective breathing pattern 
  • Infection 
  • Pain 


  • Ambulation 
  • Assess respiratory rates and depth 
  • Cough and deep breath exercises 
  • Incentive spirometer 
  • Monitor the following: 
    • Lung sounds 
    • Temperature 
    • White blood cells 
  • Pain management 

Expected Outcomes 

  • Decreased anxiety 
  • Decreased white blood cells 
  • Effective airway clearance 
  • Increased oxygenation 
  • No signs and symptoms of infection 

Individual/Caregiver Education 

  • Teach coughing exercises and deep breathing techniques the individual can do on their own. 
  • Demonstrate how to use an incentive spirometer. 
  • Outline prevention measures the individual can take. 
  • Identify signs and symptoms to indicate when the individual should seek medical attention. 

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Additional Information

Content Release Date 


Content Expiration


Course Contributor 

The content for this course was created by Relias staff writer Tiffany Fields, RN, BSN, MSN, DNP, CRNP. She has been a clinical nurse for over 20 years. Tiffany was educated and trained in Alabama as a Licensed Practical Nurse where she practiced as a Gerontological Nurse at the local Nursing Homes. She earned her Associate Degree in Nursing, bachelor’s degree in nursing, Master’s Degree in Nursing and Doctorate in Nursing Practice. She also earned a degree as a Certified Family Nurse Practitioner. Her clinical expertise is Adult- Geriatric Nursing and Medical- Surgical medical complexity. She is currently Assisted Director of Nursing at a Rural Hospital along with a writer for Relias. 



  • Conde, M. V., & Adams, S. G. (2021). Overview of the management of postoperative pulmonary complications. UpToDate.
  • Ferri, F. (2020). Atelectasis. In Ferri's clinical advisor 2020 (1st ed). Elsevier. p. 182. 
  • Nagji, A. S., Jolissaint, J. S., Lau, C. L. (2019). Atelectasis. In Kellerman, R. D., & Rakel, D. 
  • Conn's current therapy 2020 (1st ed). Elsevier. p. 826. 
  • O'Donnell, A. E., Goldman, L., & Schafer, A. I. (2020). Bronchiectasis, atelectasis, cysts, and localized lung disorders. In Goldman-Cecil medicine (26th ed., pp. 548–551). essay, Elsevier.