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I Was Dismissed From an RN Program. Will My Nursing Credits Transfer to Another School?

Nurse talking with patient in doctors office


Dear Nancy,

I was dismissed from an RN program. I am willing to move to another state. Will my nursing credits transfer to another school?


Nancy Brent replies:

Dear Michelle,

Contact the nursing education program you want to attend to determine the number of credits they allow for transfer and what courses can be transferred, should you be accepted. Nursing education programs have different policies about this, so you will need to do quite a bit of groundwork to determine which program would best suit you and allow you to transfer as many credits as possible.

Some of the parameters used in making the determination to accept transfer credits include whether the school from which the credits will be transferred is an accredited program, what grade was earned in the course (some schools will not accept any letter grade below a C or only accept a satisfactory final grade, if no letter grades are used) and how long ago the course was taken.

You also will have to deal with the fact that you were dismissed from your original program. The nursing program you want to attend will want to know the reason for the dismissal, in addition to other facts. Because this factor may carry great weight with the program you are considering, you may want to consult with a nurse attorney or attorney who works in education law to determine how best to present the reason for the dismissal and help with any other issues that might arise during the application process.
