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How Can I Start My Own Portamedic or Paramedical Exam Company?


Dear Donna, I am a health educator who has an RN, an MS and a PhD. I would like to cross over somewhat to do insurance physicals. More specifically, I want to open an agency that employs RNs as independent contractors to service the insurance companies by doing the home physicals and drawing the necessary labs. Would you have any idea as to how I should get started?


Dear Donna replies:

Dear June, There are franchise opportunities for portamedic or paramedical exam companies -- those that provide medical exams to insurance companies. You might consider that. If you do an Internet search for "portamedic exam franchise" and "paramedical exam franchise," you'll come up with several company names, such as APPS and ExamOne. This likely would be the easiest way to get your business up and running, and it's a good opportunity for a nurse. If you don't want to go the franchise route, then start talking to insurance agents who use portamedic companies. Ask their representatives what their companies need and want, what they like or dislike about the companies they currently do business with, etc. Doing so will help you find out what they are paying for the service so you can offer a competitive rate. You might even consider working for a while as an examiner for one of the companies to learn more about how they operate before starting your own business.

My best wishes, Donna